There is something cool I like to share with you today. A friend recommended me a book, "Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy which I found quite interesting. Darren Hardy advocates establishing subtle and small empowering routines or behaviors, and do it everyday. The key is to make the task so trivial that no body could "notice". For example, I wanted to lose couple of pounds to lower my body fat percentage to 10%, so I decided to cut off 150-200 calories from my daily intake. I actually stop adding 1 extra tbsp of olive oil (80-100 calories) when making my scramble eggs in the morning, and eat one less fruit i.e. banana (100- 120 calories) in the mid afternoon. After 1-2 week/s of following the same daily regimen, I ended up losing 3 pounds without much effort (beside hitting to gym for light cardio 5 days week). Another example would be my daily journaling. I decided in the beginning of the year that I will write journals every single day, and write at least 3-5 lines daily. I was very proud found out today I have more than 70 reflective short journals in my private blog.
I also starting another habit to read at least 5-10 pages a day for the rest of the year. Can you assume how many books I can finish if I only read only 10 pages for 365 days? It's a lot for me. If each book is just 200 pages long, I would finish around 18 books without even trying. I rarely remember finishing just 1-2 books last year. Hopefully, this year is gonna be awesome. Those small changes really pays off!
I am a firm believer of perseverance. Rome was not build in a day. I am sure our success comes from constant and trivial choices we make every single day. If you ever read or applied any idea from that book, let me know how it went!