
Friday, December 16, 2011

Being A Dream Architect

I have been pondering these questions last night. What if my whole life is a long dream and I actually am the architect to design my dream? How would I spend every single day of my dream? What emotions would I experience in a day to day basis? What kind of friends would I attract in my life? What kind of person would I want to be? How would I react to a challenging situation? What are my deepest desires?

I ended up answering those questions. I was really excited to jot down my answers. This exercise is only a stepping stone to find my true purpose in life. These are some ideas that came in my mind:

First of all, I would spend every single day of my dream experiencing positive emotions. I would experience joyfulness, celebration, gratefulness, happiness, being proud and confident. I would also feel loved all the time and love others in return. I will have mixture of days which will challenge my courage, commitment, and mental strength. But I would welcome every craps and negative emotions that come in my way, then let it go easily. The anxiety, self defamation and depression never serves me - It never makes a situation any better. I would stay confident, certain and calm in every challenging situation. I become more confident and courageous in every challenge I  overcome. I will be in a state of abundance.

Secondly, I would be around positive, vibrant, successful and loving people in planet. They would support me to be the best I possibly can. They would encourage me to take challenges. They would be loyal and understanding. They would be open minded and good listeners. My friends would be living their lives in different ways. One friend could be a business magnet, billionaire, and philanthropist, whereas I would have another friend who is an great exhibitionist, spiritual and nature lover. Although my friends are coming from different walks of life, we have genuine respect and support for each other to grow.

Thirdly, I would desire serving the human race, attempting extreme adventures, explore the entire planet, giving highly priced eloquent speeches, owning multimillion dollar business,  live a life like rock star, making a difference, and being a hero of my story. I would travel 196 countries in the world, make friends in every country I travel, and find a peaceful island where I could live for the rest of my life. I would also be independent, self sufficient and stand for myself during uncertainties.

These are brief overview of what I would want every single day of my dream to be look like if I am a dream architect. I have already decided I would manage to experience variety of positive emotions (i.e. joy, celebration, laughter, proud, loving, gratefulness, cherish) in a daily basis so that I would realize one day that I am the master of my own destiny!