My perfectionists nature also kicks in when I am writing a text message to my friends. It needs to be perfect. It needs to be mysterious. It needs to gain attention. It needs to make them love me. I pretty much spend 5-10 minutes pondering before even put my fingers in my iPhone touch; sometimes backspacing few sentences in order to look "cool" or "less desperate"...whatever is more beautiful. I know how ridiculous it sounds, but it's a true story. These are one of my few occasions in my life.
I'm sure you are already feeling sorry for me. I'm not writing to make myself look like a freak (all human beings are crazy in some ways), but my purpose of this post is to admit I'm taking responsibility in this "perfectionist" nature. I believe this is a gift and a curse.Today I have decided that I am going to write this trashy posts and not going to delete it. I'm going to post it even if it is imperfect and make me look like a low life. Moreover, I'm gonna send few emails tomorrow and work on my project just to get it above average; but not to make it "perfect". Are you proud of me now?