Here is my math:
If I spend 3 hours day watching television shows for a year, I would spend (365 X 3) = 1095 hours. Divide 1096 hours by 24, you will get around 45 whole days in a year. So, I am spending 12% of my year watching a high definition plasma tv which will add zero value to my life. (My definition of value is anything that makes me better, richer and stronger. Yours might be different.)
Let's say I keep watching 3 hours per day for the next 20 years of my life (I am not even mentioning any special occasions), then I would spend (20 X 45) = 900 days or 2.5 years of my life watching story of actors who don't care about me.
To me that's a lot of time spend. I even finished my college degree within 3 years. Think about how much I can accomplish if I spend time that adds value to those 2.5 years!
Yes, I know I should have time for more fun and nowadays, I do watch something entertaining occasionally. That's really okay! But I believe it's kind of crazy to have it as a daily habit which you carry on for the rest of your life. I would rather be moderate, then make it part of my daily habit!