
Sunday, August 3, 2014

There are no bad experiences

I have learned a beautiful ideal. If I could use every circumstances (either good or bad) happened in my life as an opportunity for growth to be better and learn important lesson, then my life experience would so much powerful than a regular dude who lives his life and being there as  slave of circumstances. I don't mean being fucking high and smile like a fucking stupid idiot at all times even if everything is not going as planned, or people not treating me with respect. I mean taking every situation as lessons to grow and be a better man. If I feel like a crap, I should feel like a crap. If I get gang banged and raped by bunch of dudes, I should feel like killing myself. If I lose my friends, family, social status, and everything in my life, I should just give up. If I just learn I have a terminal cancer and I will live for just 3 months, I should feel like life has been totally unfair. I think that is okay. Emotions just lie. It shows our current state. Emotions shows what we are, but it does not show what we could be. So I would not rely on it to take my life decisions.

But during those times, I should remind myself, this might be another opportunity in disguise to take myself to the next level. Life would be so much easier if we could find those opportunities easily. Fuck god. Fuck your family. Fuck the universe. It is up to you to decide and make everything as an opportunity. I believe it takes time, patience and asking right questions to uncover the truth. I hope it shed some light on why there could no such thing as bad experience.

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