
Friday, November 7, 2014

Happiness for Dummies

I was in the coffee shop during lunch break to catch up with a book I was reading and I abruptly started laughing aloud with no reason. I kind of felt like a crazy idiot in the middle of the busy shop. But that made me ponder of an idea I never thought of before. I wondered how often people are happy in their lifetime? Can happiness be measured? How can I tell if a person is happier than the next people on the line?

The truth is everyone has their unique definition of happiness. For example, one woman could be happy to meet a man of her dreams, raise kids, and enjoy financial securities. Another woman could be happy to travel a lot, surround herself with horny men and spend time with her pets. But let's say both of them of achieved what they always wanted. The first woman is enjoying her family as a house wife. The second has travel all over the world and enjoy tons of unprotected sexual experience with men. What exactly do they need to feel and look to judge they are actually happy? I would say they would definitely have smiles in their faces, shows enthusiasm, uplighting in everything they do, treat others with kindness etc. etc. etc. I mean to say you can tell a lot if someone is happy based on her behavior. It's no rocket science. No matter what the circumstances are; happiness is only an emotion.

So I wonder if seeking happiness is the purpose of our life, then why not just create happiness whenever I want. Why not behave and feel like a happy person as if I already achieved my dreams? I think we would need to allow ourselves to be happy; just like we allow ourselves to be lazy or sad. It's just an emotion. It's a very cheesy idea but there is a truth in it.

Finally I started think a step ahead. How often an average person could be happy in a lifetime? I would say most people rely on their surroundings, culture and people around them for happiness. So it's safe to assume an average person who is reactive towards external situations aren't very much happy. Having external situations that create happiness all the time is like winning a lottery.  I realized that in order to be happiest person around I would behave like a happy person more often. My goal should to be happier than most people by behaving being happy in my life. I know it sounds crazy because it's crazy. I used to believe that smiling and laughing with no reason makes me an idiot. Now I think I would rather to be happy and crazy idiot than finding reasons to feel unhappy. That does not mean I need to be people pleasing loser who smiles when disrespected and take it for granted. I guess that's a different blog post I want to discuss about. You get my point!

P.S: I wrote a post a few days ago how suffering is as important as happiness. Yes I know my ideas are conflicting. I am just a weird guy. Fuck you!

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